3D Architect Render is ready to offer you services from:

• Floor Plan
• Clay Render
• Interior Design
• Exterior Design

We deliver FAST-GREAT for affordable price. We understand your needs is simple to work with us.


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3D Rendering

What is 3D Rendering?

3D modeling is the process of creating 3D objects using specialized software. The 3D object is made by manipulating simple shapes, complex models, and polygons using 3D modeling software. The representation, called a 3D model, conveys an object’s shape, size, and texture.

Once the model is created, 3D rendering transforms the model into a true-to-life image. When combined, 3D modeling and 3D rendering are two steps designers take to make computer-generated imagery (CGI).

3D modeling always comes before 3D rendering in the 3D visualization process.

3D Rendering


3D Clay Rendering

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Etiam facilisis, orci vel gravida consequat, diam turpis accumsan nibh, vel lacinia nibh eros et augue. Mauris varius dui non porta ultricies. Quisque vel leo magna. Vestibulum sit amet turpis vel sapien condimentum vestibulum ut ac augue. In iaculis tempus consequat. Quisque in dictum nunc. Maecenas sit amet posuere lacus, id dictum felis. Ut luctus nunc a lobortis efficitur.

3D Clay Rendering


3D Modelling

What is 3D Modelling?

Design drawings are displayed in 2D. A design that looks flat and no volume is one of its characteristics. It’s different from the photo. Besides looking more realistic, the captured photos also have dimensions. Between the spectrum of 2D designs and photos, we can say that 3D designs are in the middle.

3D design has the distinctive look of completely “artificial” 2D design. However, 3D designs have dimensions that make them appear to have volumes like objects in the real world. If 3D design talks about the object, 3D modeling is the making process. The process of making 3D designs does not only focus on the visual form.

3D Modelling


Floor Plan

What is Floor Plan?

A house plan is a simple two-dimensional (2D) line drawing that shows the location of the walls and rooms in the building, as if viewed from above. In a building plan, the core is a great floor plan. If multilevel, then add the level number such as “2nd Floor Plan”.

A floor plan is similar to drawing a map, with length and width, size and scale of how far apart the distance. Walls, doors, and windows are usually drawn to scale, meaning fairly accurate proportions and depicting how the building elements interact. Built-in furniture and equipment such as bathtubs, washbasins and cupboards are usually depicted in floor plans. The notation and information on the floor plan or layout plan:

  • Line as building
  • Line as building wall
  • The door and the open way
  • Window and the open system
  • Dimensions (As to As)
  • Built-in furniture
  • Loose furniture
  • Sanitary
  • Room name description
  • Floor level description
  • Description of materials (wall pieces and columns)
  • cut line
  • Structure grid (if any)

Floor Plan

Our Services


Floor Plan

Floor plans are scale drawings that depict how rooms, spaces, and other physical characteristics relate to one another as viewed from above. They make it possible to picture how people will navigate the area.


3D Modelling

Making three-dimensional representations of an object or a surface is known as 3D modeling. Within computer-based 3D modeling software, 3D models are created. You can choose an object's size, shape, and texture while 3D modeling it.


3D Clay Rendering

A scene that is portrayed in a single, generic material is called a clay rendering. It's frequently helpful to create a clay rendering first in a standard rendering pipeline in order to organize the scene, set up lighting, and calibrate camera settings.


3D Rendering

The technique of creating a 2D image from a digitally created three-dimensional scene is known as 3D rendering. Specific methods, specialized software, and hardware are used to generate an image.

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Frequently Asked Question

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The cost depends on the type of project, the duration time until done, including the visual quality. The quote is provided free and available anytime. Fill out the contact forms with a brief description of your upcoming project and we will contact you soon.

An excellent way to start is to prepare your idea and decide what you need to achieve. We will provide the floor plan for the project. Although, we appreciate the designed floor plan from you.

The process is

  1. You describe the idea you want to explore, and finalize the contract.
  2. We analysis and confirm the sign off for plans, furniture, and finishing material.
  3. We present the angle of the camera through clay render or 2D markup to approval.
  4. We present a draft based on the plans and other information provided.
  5. We made the final–resolution image.

Generally, Yes, but we will provide you with the additional floor plan if you don’t have.

3D Rendering could take a few days until weeks. It depends on the complexity and the details of the project. We can do our best to fit your schedule if there is a deadline. Let us know ahead of time.

Tips: Please leave extra time to ensure you can take advantage of your revision for the project and make any deadlines you have upfront.

Option 1, you can choose your favorite angle based on example of a photo or rendering you like, we will provide the angle match with your preference. And the other option, you can make sketches or mark up of angle on your floor plan, we can create 3d rendering base on that.


Day and Lighting
You will have options to what ambience that you like, daylight or nightlight, interior or exterior lighting.


We can provide you with some options of the vegetation (hardscape or softscape options) that you can choose on your plan.


You could choose the material that you want, interior or exterior style. We can provide anything you need.

We are available to work off client-provided 3D models.

We work with the major software applications such as Sketchup, Revit and Autocad. There is a special price for you if you already have a 3d modelling. We will ensure we provided everything from your original idea.